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"The Madicine" is many things.  First of all it's  my stage name. The word "Madicine" was born as a fusion of "Mad/Madness" and medicine.  But my full name is Matteo Madafferi, so the word "Mad" is  also a part of my surname, so here's the joke.
Why i choose this stage name? I think that everyday we fight against the other's will and opinion. The only way to be free is live our life doing what we really love, be crazy even if people think we are mad. Madness like medicine.
So "The Madicine" is first of all the stage name i adopt as musician and artist.

As i said, i'm a musician. 

But i'm a writer also, and photography is another passion i have. 


So here you can find all my works, all my ideas. 


All the Madicine.



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